Refund Payment
Request a refund for a one-time or subscription payment, either in full or partial
Example Request
Usage Notes
- Refunds are not immediate, and will be reviewed and approved by our buyer support team.
integerThe vendor ID identifies your seller account. This can be found in Developer Tools > Authentication.
>= 1
stringThe vendor auth code is a private API key for authenticating API requests. This key should never be used in client side code or shared publicly. This can be found in Developer Tools > Authentication.
Match pattern:
stringThe order ID of the payment you wish to refund. NB. Subscription orders are hyphenated and one-time orders are an integer.
Match pattern:
numberPartial amount to refund in the currency of the order. The full payment is refunded if this parameter is not provided.
stringReason for providing the refund. This will be displayed in the Seller Dashboard.
<= 255 characters