
Webhooks older than 90 days are no longer available

Scheduled for release April 3, 2025

We've updated the get webhook history operation so that events older than 90 days are no longer returned.

This is scheduled to be released on April 3, 2025.

When something notable happens in your Paddle Classic account, Paddle can send a webhook to let you know. Webhooks are typically used to keep your Paddle Classic data in sync with your app. You can use the get webhook history operation to get a list of webhooks that Paddle has sent.

To improve scalability across the Paddle Classic platform, and improve performance for users who have a large number of webhooks, we've updated the API so that webhooks older than 90 days are no longer available. The get webhook history operation now only returns webhooks that occurred within the last 90 days.

Get webhook historyBehavior changeOnly webhooks that occurred ≤ 90 days ago are returned.

Check the get webhook history doc to learn how this operation works.

This change only impacts the Paddle Classic API. It doesn't impact Paddle Billing.