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Selling one-time products
About selling one-time products
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Paddle webhooks

About selling one-time products with Paddle

One-time products are digital products that customers purchase and pay for once - for example, software with a lifetime license.

When creating one-time products in Paddle, you can choose from a range of fulfillment methods, depending on how you wish to deliver the product to your customers. You can:

  • Upload your digital product to Paddle, then provide a download link and instructions to customers when payment succeeds.
  • Host your digital product outside of Paddle, then provide a download link and instructions to customers when payment succeeds.

If your products require a license code, you can:

  • Upload a static list of license codes to Paddle, which are sent to customers with download instructions.
  • Wait for Paddle to confirm successful payment for an order (via a fulfillment webhook), then generate a license code dynamically - returning it to Paddle for onward communication to the customer.

In Paddle, one-time products are created and managed in your Paddle catalog.

Create a one-time productSelling one-time products
Taxable categoriesLearn more about taxable categories are and which options are available.
One-off purchase alertsFind out about purchase alerts for one-time products.
Order fulfillment webhooksFind out more about defining fulfillment webhooks for one-time products defined with a Fulfillment Method of Server Notification.
Product API endpointsTake a deep dive into the Paddle API to find out how you can integrate Paddle functionality for one-time products with your own platform.