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Your Paddle catalog
About the Paddle catalog
Selling subscriptions
Selling one-time products
The Paddle checkout
Paddle webhooks

About the Paddle catalog

With Paddle, you can create:

  • Subscription plans. Items that customers purchase and pay for on a recurring payment basis.
  • One-time products. Items that customers purchase and pay for once.

When you create these items in Paddle, you are building your catalog. For the purposes of this exercise, you only need to create one item - it doesn't matter if this is a one-time-product or a subscription plan - choose whichever you are planning to sell.

Selling subscriptionsPaddle catalog
Selling one-time productsPaddle catalog
About Paddle subscriptionsIf you're new to Paddle subscriptions, this general introduction is a great place to start!
Subscription API endpointsTake a deep dive into the Paddle API to find out how you can integrate Paddle subscription functionality with your platform.
Taxable categoriesLearn more about taxable categories in Paddle.
Product API endpointsTake a deep dive into the Paddle API to find out how you can integrate Paddle one-time product functionality with your platform.