List payment methods for a customer

Returns a paginated list of payment methods that a customer has saved. Use the query parameters to page through results.

When customers sign up for a subscription using Paddle Checkout, Paddle saves the payment method for renewals, upgrades and downgrades, and other charges related to that subscription.

Customers can also choose to save payment methods when purchasing one-time items by checking a box when completing checkout. You can present customers with their saved payment methods when they make a purchase in the future.

Returns an empty list where customers have not saved any payment methods, or have deleted all previously saved payment methods.

Path Parameters


Paddle ID of the customer entity to work with.

Query Parameters


Return entities related to the specified address. Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple address IDs.


Return entities after the specified Paddle ID when working with paginated endpoints. Used in the URL in responses for list operations.


Order returned entities by the specified field and direction ([ASC] or [DESC]). For example, ?order_by=id[ASC].

Valid fields for ordering: id.


Set how many entities are returned per page. Paddle returns the maximum number of results if a number greater than the maximum is requested. Check meta.pagination.per_page in the response to see how many were returned.

Default: 50; Maximum: 200.


Return entities that support being presented at checkout (true) or not (false).



Represents a customer payment method entity.


Unique Paddle ID for this payment method entity, prefixed with paymtd_.


Paddle ID of the customer that this payment method is saved for, prefixed with ctm_.


Paddle ID of the address for this payment method, prefixed with add_.


Type of payment method saved.

cardobject or null

Information about the credit or debit card saved. null unless type is card.

paypalobject or null

Information about the PayPal payment method saved. null unless type is paypal.


Describes how this payment method was saved.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was saved. Set automatically by Paddle.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.


Information about this response.


Unique ID for the request relating to this response. Provide this when contacting Paddle support about a specific request.


Keys used for working with paginated results.