Custom data

Attach arbitrary key-value data to entities in Paddle when working with the API or checkout. Typically used for storing metadata or other useful information when working with third-party solutions.

Custom data lets you add your own structured key-value data when working with some entities in Paddle. You can add it when working with the checkout or when creating or updating entities using the API.

Once added, you can see custom data:

  • When getting an entity or listing entities using the API.
  • In webhook responses.
  • In the Paddle dashboard against an entity — some entities only.

It's great for adding information that you might want to pass through to third-party integrations, like a CRM or analytics solution.

Custom data must be valid JSON, and you must provide at least one key.

Add or update using the API

You can add custom data to:

To add custom data to an entity using the API, include a custom_data object when creating or updating entities.

For example, to add custom data when creating a product:

Add using the checkout

To add custom data when opening a checkout using Paddle.js, pass customData in the method call:

Any custom data against a checkout is against the related transaction. If a checkout is for recurring items, it's stored against the created subscription, too.

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