
Subscription entities describe a recurring billing relationship with a customer. They're closely related to transactions.

Subscriptions let customers pay for products on a recurring schedule. They hold information about what Paddle should charge a customer for and how often.

Subscription entities hold information like:

  • Who the customer is.
  • Which prices a customer has subscribed to.
  • How often a subscription renews.
  • Details about trial periods.
  • Any upcoming scheduled changes.

Subscriptions work with products, prices, and discounts to say what a customer has subscribed to, and customers, addresses, and businesses to say who the customer is.

Create a subscription

You can't create a subscription directly.

Paddle automatically creates subscriptions for you when customers pay for recurring items using the checkout, or when you create and issue an invoice using a manually-collected transaction.


Billing for subscriptions is powered by transactions. When a subscription bills, Paddle creates a related transaction to calculate totals and collect for payment.

You can get a preview of the next transaction when getting a subscription using the include parameter.

Scheduled changes

A scheduled change is a change that's going to happen automatically when the subscription next bills.

Paddle creates a scheduled change automatically when you cancel, pause, or update an item on a subscription and returns them in the scheduled_change object.


Proration is how Paddle calculates what a customer should be billed for, based on changes made in the current billing cycle.

When updating subscription items, you must include the proration_billing_mode field to tell Paddle how to handle proration for the items you're adding or removing.

Subscriptions describe an ongoing financial relationship with a customer, so they can't be deleted. Use the cancel a subscription operation to cancel a subscription.



Unique Paddle ID for this subscription entity, prefixed with sub_.


Status of this subscription. Set automatically by Paddle. Use the pause subscription or cancel subscription operations to change.


Paddle ID of the customer that this subscription is for, prefixed with ctm_.


Paddle ID of the address that this subscription is for, prefixed with add_.

business_idstring or null

Paddle ID of the business that this subscription is for, prefixed with biz_.


Supported three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. Transactions for this subscription are created in this currency. Must be USD, EUR, or GBP if collection_mode is manual.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was created. Set automatically by Paddle.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.

started_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this subscription started. This may be different from first_billed_at if the subscription started in trial.

first_billed_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this subscription was first billed. This may be different from started_at if the subscription started in trial.

next_billed_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this subscription is next scheduled to be billed.

paused_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this subscription was paused. Set automatically by Paddle when the pause subscription operation is used. null if not paused.

canceled_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this subscription was canceled. Set automatically by Paddle when the cancel subscription operation is used. null if not canceled.

discountobject or null

Details of the discount applied to this subscription.

ends_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this discount no longer applies. Where a discount has maximum_recurring_intervals, this is the date of the last billing period where this discount applies. null where a discount recurs forever.


Unique Paddle ID for this discount, prefixed with dsc_.

starts_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this discount was first applied. null for canceled subscriptions where a discount was redeemed but never applied to a transaction.


How payment is collected for transactions created for this subscription. automatic for checkout, manual for invoices.

billing_detailsobject or null

Details for invoicing. Required if collection_mode is manual.


How long a customer has to pay this invoice once issued.


Unit of time.


Amount of time.


Whether the related transaction may be paid using Paddle Checkout. If omitted when creating a transaction, defaults to false.


Customer purchase order number. Appears on invoice documents.

additional_informationstring or null

Notes or other information to include on this invoice. Appears on invoice documents.

current_billing_periodobject or null

Current billing period for this subscription. Set automatically by Paddle based on the billing cycle. null for paused and canceled subscriptions.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this period ends.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this period starts.


How often this subscription renews. Set automatically by Paddle based on the prices on this subscription.


Unit of time.


Amount of time.

scheduled_changeobject or null

Change that's scheduled to be applied to a subscription. Use the pause subscription, cancel subscription, and resume subscription operations to create scheduled changes. null if no scheduled changes.


Kind of change that's scheduled to be applied to this subscription.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this scheduled change takes effect.

resume_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when a paused subscription should resume. Only used for pause scheduled changes.


Authenticated customer portal deep links for this subscription. For security, the token appended to each link is temporary. You shouldn't store these links.

update_payment_methodstring<uri> or null

Link to the page for this subscription in the customer portal with the payment method update form pre-opened. Use as part of workflows to let customers update their payment details. null for manually-collected subscriptions.


Link to the page for this subscription in the customer portal with the subscription cancellation form pre-opened. Use as part of cancel subscription workflows.


List of items on this subscription. Only recurring items are returned.


Status of this subscription item. Set automatically by Paddle.


Quantity of this item on the subscription.


Whether this is a recurring item. false if one-time.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this item was added to this subscription.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this item was last updated on this subscription.

previously_billed_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this item was last billed.

next_billed_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this item is next scheduled to be billed.

trial_datesobject or null

Trial dates for this item.


Related price entity for this item. This reflects the price entity at the time it was added to the subscription.


Related product entity for this item. This reflects the product entity at the time it was added to the subscription.

custom_dataobject or null

Your own structured key-value data.

import_metaobject or null

Import information for this entity. null if this entity is not imported.


Name of the platform or provider where this entity was imported from.

external_idstring or null

Reference or identifier for this entity from the provider where it was imported from.

List subscriptions
Get a subscription
Preview an update to a subscription
Update a subscription
Get a transaction to update payment method
Preview a one-time charge for a subscription
Create a one-time charge for a subscription
Activate a trialing subscription
Pause a subscription
Resume a paused subscription
Cancel a subscription
Retry payment for a subscription transaction