Discount entities describe percentage or amount-based discounts for transactions. They're sometimes called coupons or promo codes.
Discounts let you reduce a transaction total by a percentage, a flat amount per transaction, or a flat amount per unit on a transaction.
Discount entities hold information like:
- How the discount reduces the total of the transaction.
- Whether the discount is one-time or recurring.
- When the discount is valid to.
- Which items in your catalog the discount applies to.
- Whether this discount can be applied by customers using a code.
Discounts work with prices, transactions, checkouts, and subscriptions.
By default, discounts apply to the entire value of a transaction. You can link discounts to price entities to limit them to certain prices. For example, you can create a discount for subscription plans that won't work on other items.
Use discount codes to let customers apply discounts themselves at checkout, or pass a discount to a checkout to apply it automatically.
Discounts don't have to have codes. They can be applied manually to transactions as part of the sales process.