Run promotions and discounts

Attract new customers and entice existing ones to upgrade using discounts. They're sometimes called promotions or coupons.

Discounts let you reduce the amount that a customer has to pay by a percentage (-10%) or fixed amount (-$10) for an item, transaction, or subscription. They're sometimes called promotions or coupons.

Using discounts, you can:

  • Create one-time, or recurring discounts.
  • Set up discount codes that customers can apply during checkout.
  • Restrict discounts to some products, like subscription plans or addons.
  • Limit how many times a discount can be applied.
  • Run limited time promos by setting an end date.

You can pass a discount ID or code to Paddle.js to automatically apply it to a checkout — no need for customers to enter a discount code.

Create a one-time discount

One-time discounts are only applied to the current transaction. They don't apply to future transactions. They're good for encouraging customers to sign up without impacting future revenue.

One-time discounts can't be applied to existing subscriptions.

Head to Paddle > Catalog > Discounts and click New discount, or edit an existing discount using the menu next to the discount in the list.

Fill out the details to create or edit your discount.

Set the "Recurring discount" slider off.

Create a recurring discount

Recurring discounts are applied to the current transaction and transactions for future billing periods. Recurring discounts can recur forever, or only for a set number of billing periods.

Head to Paddle > Catalog > Discounts and click New discount, or edit an existing discount using the menu next to the discount in the list.

Fill out the details to create or edit your discount.

Set the Recurring discount slider on, then choose either:

  • Until further notice: the discount should recur forever
  • For a custom number of billing periods: the discount should recur for a set number of billing periods

Create a limited-time discount

Limited-time discounts can only be used up until a certain date. They have an expiry date and cannot be redeemed after the expiry date. They're ideal for running limited-time promotions, like Black Friday or holiday sales.

Head to Paddle > Catalog > Discounts and click New discount, or edit an existing discount using the menu next to the discount in the list.

Fill out the details to create or edit your discount.

Check the Set an expiration date for the discount box, then enter a date and time.

Paddle supports over 200 countries and territories, so dates and times are UTC. You can search online to convert your local time to UTC.

Limit discounts to certain products

Discounts may apply to all products in your catalog, or you can limit them to specific products and prices. For example, you may discount your annual plans but not your monthly plans.

Head to Paddle > Catalog > Discounts and click New discount, or edit an existing discount using the menu next to the discount in the list.

Fill out the details to create or edit your discount.

Set the Limit discount to selected products slider on, then use the products and prices dropdowns to choose which products and prices this discount applies to.

Add a product, then leave the prices box blank to set a discount to apply to all prices for that product.

See how many times a discount has been redeemed

Paddle keeps track of the amount of times that a discount has been redeemed. This means it's been applied to a checkout or transaction. You might like to display this figure in internal dashboards, or even pull through to your commercial website to generate a sense of popularity or urgency.

To see how many times a discount has been redeemed, send a GET request to the /discounts/{discount_id} endpoint.


If successful, Paddle responds with the complete discount entity, including times_used.

Paddle also returns the maximum number of times a discount can be redeemed as the usage_limit. You can take times_used from the usage_limit to calculate how many redemptions are left.

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