Subscription payment details update

Customers may update their payment method when a subscription is past due, or any time they want to change the way they pay for their subscription.

Updating payment information is a key subscription workflow.

You should offer customers whose subscription is past due a way to update their payment details so they can maintain access to your app and avoid cancellation.

Providing a way for customers to update their payment details at any time is good practice, helping reduce churn by letting customers proactively update their payment method before there's a problem.

How it works

You can build a workflow to let a customer update their payment details using Paddle Checkout, which handles securely capturing card details or payment using another payment method.

Updating a payment method requires a payment method update transaction, which can be:

  • A new, zero-value transaction for items on a subscription

    Where a subscription is active, the Paddle API creates a new zero-value transaction. On checkout complete, Paddle updates the saved payment method.

  • The last past due transaction for a subscription

    Where a subscription is past_due, the Paddle API returns the last past_due transaction for the subscription. On checkout complete, Paddle collects for the outstanding balance and updates the saved payment method.

For compliance reasons, subscription-related emails sent from Paddle to customers include a link to update payment method. When customers update payment method using the link in the email from Paddle, Paddle passes a payment method update transaction to your default checkout page.

How to update payment details


This guide is overview of events that typically occur. Depending on the customer journey and how you build your workflows, not all events listed may occur, or additional events may occur.

We can't guarantee the order of delivery for webhooks. Store and check the occurred_at date against a webhook before making changes.

Active subscription

  1. New zero-value transaction created

    transaction.createdPaddle creates a new zero-value transaction for payment method update. Its status is ready because the transaction has customer and address information. Its origin is subscription_payment_method_change.
    transaction.readyOccurs because the transaction status changes to ready.
  2. Checkout opened and customer updates payment details successfully

    transaction.updatedThe transaction status changes to paid now that the customer has paid successfully. The transaction is updated with information about the successful payment.
    transaction.paidOccurs because the transaction status changes to paid.
    transaction.updatedAn invoice number is assigned to the transaction. Its status changes to completed as Paddle has finished processing it.
    transaction.completedOccurs because the transaction status changes to completed.

Past due subscription

  1. Checkout opened and customer updates payment details successfully

    This step occurs when a past due transaction for a subscription is passed to Paddle Checkout using Paddle.js and a customer enters updated payment details.

    transaction.updatedThe transaction status changes to paid now that the customer has paid successfully. The transaction is updated with information about the successful payment.
    transaction.paidOccurs because the transaction status changes to paid.
    subscription.updatedThe subscription status is updated to active.
    subscription.activatedOccurs because the subscription status changes to active.
    transaction.updatedAn invoice number is assigned to the transaction. Its status changes to completed as Paddle has finished processing it.
    transaction.completedOccurs because the transaction status changes to completed.

Recommended workflow

  1. Listen for events

    We recommend that you listen for:

    transaction.createdGet notified when a transaction is created. Transactions with the origin of subscription_payment_method_change are zero-value payment method update transactions for active subscriptions; transaction where the status is past_due are used when updating payment method for past due subscriptions.
    transaction.completedGet notified when a transaction is completed. This means it's fully paid and Paddle has completed processing.
    subscription.activatedGet notified when a past due subscription becomes active. The subscription status is updated to active. This means that payment method was updated successfully for a past due subscription.
  2. Update information in your database

    Update the record for a subscription in your database for the payment method update based on webhooks received. As well as checking and storing the occurred_at date against notifications, you'll typically need to update:

    DescriptionField nameReason to store
    Subscription statussubscription.statusUsed to determine if a past due subscription is now active.

    You may like to store and update other fields if you want to build a more comprehensive billing and subscription management experience. In particular, transaction.payments[].method_details includes information about the saved payment method. To learn more, see Handle provisioning and fulfillment

  3. Provision

    Provision so that a customer has continued access to your app.


    Use the subscription.status field to determine whether a subscription should have access to your app. Where status is active, customers should have full access to your app.

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