Paddle Billing

Localize prices

Improve conversion rates by offering customers prices in local currencies. Let Paddle automatically convert amounts, and set country specific pricing for key markets.

Paddle supports over over 200 countries and territories and 30 currencies, with no extra setup or engineering effort required. You can localize prices to build customer confidence and improve payment acceptance.

Localized pricing in Paddle lets you do things like:

  • Automatically convert prices to local currencies.
  • Offer USD pricing in non-US markets.
  • Set different prices for different countries or regions that share a currency.
  • Price according to willingness-to-pay and purchasing power.

Paddle automatically handles conversion into your balance currency for you, meaning you see the amount you earned in your preferred currency no matter what currency customers pay in.

How it works

Complete products in Paddle are made up of a product entity and related price entities. Price entities describe how much and how often you charge for a product.

When you create a price, you can set how much it costs and its currency. This is called the base price.

You can charge all customers your base price, or you can localize your prices using:

Automatic currency conversion and country specific pricing work together — you don't have to pick one or the other, you can use both. If you like, you can just charge your base prices, turning off price localization altogether.

Automatic currency conversion

Paddle can automatically convert prices into local currencies for customers at checkout. For example, your base price can be in US Dollars (USD), but customers can pay in Pound Sterling (GBP), Brazilian Real (BRL), or Indian Rupee (INR) depending on their location.

Offering local currencies is recommended because:

  • It builds trust by helping customers understand exactly what they are paying.
  • It means customers don't incur FX fees from their bank when making a payment.
  • Local banks are more likely to accept payments in the local currency.

You can turn on automatic currency conversion for all supported currencies, or choose the currencies that you'd like to enable it for.

Country specific pricing

While offering prices in local currencies is important, you can further boost conversion by tailoring prices to local market conditions. For example, 100 USD buys you less in the United Kingdom and more in India than it does in the United States.

Use country specific pricing in Paddle to manually override base prices with custom prices for countries that you choose. It lets you price according to purchasing power and willingness-to-pay, meaning:

  • You can maximize revenue in markets where willingness-to-pay is higher, charging more than your base price.
  • You can increase your volume of sales by expanding into emerging markets, pricing according to purchasing power.

For example:

United StatesUnited KingdomBrazilIndia
Automatic currency conversion100 USD79 GBP478 BRL8200 INR
Price overrides100 USD90 GBP [115 USD]52 USD [248 BRL]2320 INR [28.30 USD]

These figures are illustrative. They may not be exactly what you see at checkout.

As well as setting the unit price, you can set the currency too. This useful for countries like Brazil, where USD is often preferred to BRL.

You can create country specific prices when creating prices in Paddle. They're called price overrides in the API.

Customer experience

Paddle automatically shows the correct prices for a customer at checkout. When opening a checkout, Paddle uses geolocation to estimate where a customer is buying from. If a customer changes the preselected country, Paddle gets localized prices for the country they selected.

Paddle shows localized prices in this order:

  1. Country specific price and currency (price override) for the customer country

  2. Automatically converted price in the local currency for the customer country

  3. Base price in base currency

When building a pricing page, you can pass an IP address or location information to return localized prices.

Before you begin

Country specific prices (price overrides) are set against prices in Paddle, so you'll need to create products and prices first. You can add country specific prices when creating a price initially, or update prices to add them later.

Turn on automatic currency conversion

  • Go to Paddle > Business account > Currencies.

  • Use the checkboxes to select currencies that you'd like Paddle to automatically convert, or check Select all.

  • Click Save when you're done.

Screenshot showing the currencies screen in Paddle. There's a callout showing the list of currencies available to be automatically converted, and a callout showing the save button.

Add price overrides to a price

You can add price overrides to a price when creating or updating it.

We recommend creating price overrides using the Paddle dashboard.

Find product

  • Go to Paddle > Catalog > Products, then click the product you'd like to create a price override for in the list.

Illustration showing the products screen in Paddle.

Edit or create price


  • Find the price you'd like to create a price override for in the list click, then click and choose Edit from the menu.

  • Click New price to create a new price.

Illustration showing a product page in Paddle. There's three prices in the list. The menu for the first price is open, showing options to edit, copy ID, and archive.

Add price overrides

  • Under the country specific prices section, enter details for the countries you'd like to create price overrides for.

  • Click Save when you're done.

Screenshot of the edit price page in Paddle showing the 'country specific prices' section.

Update price overrides

You can update price overrides when editing a price in the Paddle dashboard as above.

Remove price overrides

You can only remove price overrides using the API.

Send a PATCH request to the /prices/{price_id} endpoint, setting unit_price_overrides as an empty array in your request.




price.updatedOccurs when a price override is added to, updated, or removed from a price.

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