Paddle Billing

Supported currencies

Price your products in a range of currencies — ready-to-use, with no extra engineering effort required.

Paddle has built-in support for multi-currency for both payments and payouts, letting you charge customers in their local currency and get paid in yours.

Paddle automatically calculates taxes and handles sales tax liability for all countries and currencies.

How does it work?


  • You can sell in over 25 different currencies with no additional setup needed.
  • You can charge customers in a currency that's not their local currency. For example, you can offer USD pricing to customer where the dollar is popular but not the official currency.
  • You can use price overrides to offer country-specific prices, regardless of the currency.
  • Paddle takes care of taxes and handles sales tax liability for all currencies and countries.


  • When customers make a purchase, you can hold earnings in US Dollar (USD), euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP), Australian Dollar (AUD), and Canadian Dollar (CAD). This is called your balance currency.
  • You can get paid by Paddle in a currency that's different to your balance currency.
  • You can query the API to get a breakdown of earnings and fees for a transaction.

List of supported currencies

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