Generate reports

Export information from your Paddle account as a spreadsheet to better understand your data and reconcile account activity.

Reports in Paddle let you export information from your account that you can open in a spreadsheet app. You can use them as part of your financial processes, like calculating revenue and analyzing trends. They're often used for working with data in other applications, like accounting or ERP solutions.

Illustration showing the report picker card from the Paddle dashboard. There's a heading that says 'Choose a report,', then under that there are six items: transactions, transaction items, adjustments, adjustment items, products and prices, and discounts'. For each item, there is a button that says build report.

How it works

There are six kinds of reports available in Paddle:

  • Transactions

    Transactions capture and calculate revenue for both checkouts and invoices. They hold information about a customer purchase. Generate transactions reports to get information about revenue received, past due invoices, draft and issued invoices, and canceled transactions.

  • Transaction line items

    Generate transaction line items reports to get the same data as on transactions reports, but broken down by transaction line item.

  • Adjustments

    Adjustments are records of changes to a transaction. They're created automatically by Paddle when making prorated changes to a subscription, or when making changes to an issued invoice. Generate adjustments reports to get information about refunds, credits, and chargebacks.

  • Adjustment line items

    Generate adjustment line items reports to get the same data as on adjustments reports, but broken down by adjustment line item.

  • Product and prices

    Products and prices form your product catalog. They're things that customers buy. Generate product and price reports to get information about products and prices.

  • Discounts

    Discounts let you reduce the amount a customer has to pay for a transaction. Generate discounts reports to get information about products and prices.

When you build a report, you can filter to choose the data that you include on it. Reports are always sorted by when they were last updated, and date range filters work using the date an entity was last updated. This is so you always see the most relevant data. For example, invoices created a few months before being issued and paid are included on reports when they're issued and paid.

Data on reports may be delayed for up to 24 hours. This means you might not see entities created in the last 24 hours on your reports.

It might take a little while to generate a report, depending on the amount of data you include on it. The Reports screen in the Paddle dashboard updates when your report is ready, and you'll get an email to let you know, too. Reports are available to download for 14 days once generated.

Reports are CSV files

Paddle produces reports as CSV (comma-separated values) files. CSV files are text files that use commas to separate cells of data. You can open CSV files with any spreadsheet app, like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and Apple Numbers.

Your computer or device may open CSV files in your default text editor. If this happens, open your spreadsheet app and use File > Open to open it, or look for an import option.

Paddle exports CSV files using UTF-8/Unicode character encoding, with a comma as the delimiter.

Generate a report

Open report builder

  • Go to Paddle > Reports.

  • Click Build report for the report that you'd like to generate under the "Generate a report" heading.

Screenshot showing the Reports screen in Paddle, with Reports on the nav called out. The build report button is called out, too.

Filter report data

  • Use the options to filter the data you'd like to include on your report.

  • When you're done, click Generate report.

Screenshot showing the new report drawer, with the filters section called out. The fields are empty.

Available filter options

Download report

  • Paddle starts working on generating your report in the background. You'll get an email when it's done.

  • Look out for an email from Paddle, then click Download report in the email.

  • You can also download your report from the Reports screen in the Paddle dashboard.

Screenshot of an email from Paddle saying that a report is ready to download.

Data included on reports

Column headings on reports mirror fields in the Paddle API. For example, transactions reports include fields that you'll find against the transaction entity when working with the API.

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