
Business entities hold information about customer businesses. They're subentities of customers.

Businesses store information that you need when working with a business rather than an individual. They're always created against a customer entity.

You can create as many addresses as you like against a customer — useful for billing companies with different legal entities.

Businesses hold information like:

  • What the company is called.
  • Company number and tax number.
  • Who should receive invoices at the company.

Customers, addresses, and businesses work with checkouts, transactions, and subscriptions to let customers purchase products and prices.

Customers don't need a business to make a purchase. You only need one when working with a business.

There's no delete operation for businesses. Use the update a business operation to archive businesses when you no longer need them. To learn more, see Delete entities



Unique Paddle ID for this business entity, prefixed with biz_.


Paddle ID for the customer related to this business, prefixed with cus_.


Name of this business.

company_numberstring or null

Company number for this business.

tax_identifierstring or null

Tax or VAT Number for this business.


Whether this entity can be used in Paddle.


List of contacts related to this business, typically used for sending invoices.


Full name of this contact.


Email address for this contact.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was created. Set automatically by Paddle.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.

custom_dataobject or null

Your own structured key-value data.

import_metaobject or null

Import information for this entity. null if this entity is not imported.


Name of the platform or provider where this entity was imported from.

external_idstring or null

Reference or identifier for this entity from the provider where it was imported from.

List businesses for a customer
Create a business for a customer
Get a business for a customer
Update a business for a customer