Get a product
Returns a product using its ID.
Use the include
parameter to include related price entities in the response.
Path Parameters
Paddle ID of the product entity to work with.
Query Parameters
Include related entities in the response. Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple entities.
Represents a product entity with included entities.
Unique Paddle ID for this product, prefixed with pro_
Name of this product.
Short description for this product.
Type of item. Standard items are considered part of your catalog and are shown in the Paddle dashboard.
Tax category for this product. Used for charging the correct rate of tax. Selected tax category must be enabled on your Paddle account.
Image for this product. Included in the checkout and on some customer documents.
Your own structured key-value data.
Whether this entity can be used in Paddle.
Import information for this entity. null
if this entity is not imported.
RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was created. Set automatically by Paddle.
RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.
Prices for this product. Returned when the include
parameter is used with the prices
Information about this response.
Unique ID for the request relating to this response. Provide this when contacting Paddle support about a specific request.