Subscription Cancelled

A subscription_cancelled event is fired when an existing customer subscription is cancelled.

Information sent in the payload for a subscription_cancelled webhook is summarized in the table below.

alert_idstringThe unique identifier for this Paddle webhook alert. Integer value sent as a string.
alert_namestringThe alert name. Default: subscription_cancelled
cancellation_effective_datestring<date>The date the cancellation should come into effect, taking the customer’s most recent payment into account. The customer should be able to use the service they've subscribed to up until this date.
checkout_idstringThe checkout id of the order created.27835673-chre93c81118fc7-b3092639c1
currencystringThe three-letter ISO currency code. For a full list of supported currencies, see our Supported Currencies page.USD GBP
custom_datastringA JSON encoded string of custom data that was passed into the checkout for this subscription{"external_id": 42}
emailstring<email>The email address of the customer.
event_timestring<date-time>The date and time the event was triggered in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
marketing_consentstringThe value of this field 0 or 1 indicates whether the user has agreed to receive marketing messages from the vendor.
Allowed values: 0 1
p_signaturestringThis field contains an encrypted token that you can use to verify the request authenticity. See Verifying Webhooks.
passthroughstringThis field contains any values that you passed into the checkout using the passthrough parameter. See the Pass Parameters documentation for more information.
Max length: <=1000 characters
quantitystringThe number of products or subscription seats sold in the transaction.
statusstringThis is the current status of the subscription.
Allowed values: active trialing past_due paused deleted.
A list of possible values and their meanings can be found under Event Statuses.
subscription_idstringThis is the unique Subscription ID for this customer’s subscription. You should store this with the customer in your database, as it is needed for making API calls.
subscription_plan_idstringThe ID of the Subscription Plan the customer is subscribed to. (This is the value that will change upon plan change).
unit_pricestringThe price per unit of the subscription.
user_idstringThe customer user ID.