
Occurs when a discount is created.

Payload includes the complete discount entity, except times_used. This field changes frequently, so isn't included in payloads. Get a discount using the API to see the latest value.


Unique Paddle ID for this event, prefixed with evt_.


Type of event sent by Paddle, in the format entity.event_type.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this event occurred.


New or changed entity.


Unique Paddle ID for this discount, prefixed with dsc_.


Whether this entity can be used in Paddle.


Short description for this discount for your reference. Not shown to customers.


Whether this discount can be redeemed by customers at checkout (true) or not (false).

codestring or null

Unique code that customers can use to redeem this discount at checkout. Not case-sensitive.


Type of discount. Determines how this discount impacts the checkout or transaction total.


Amount to discount by. For percentage discounts, must be an amount between 0.01 and 100. For flat and flat_per_seat discounts, amount in the lowest denomination for a currency.

currency_codestring or null

Supported three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. Required where discount type is flat or flat_per_seat.


Whether this discount applies for multiple subscription billing periods (true) or not (false).

maximum_recurring_intervalsinteger or null

Number of subscription billing periods that this discount recurs for. Requires recur. null if this discount recurs forever.

Subscription renewals, midcycle changes, and one-time charges billed to a subscription aren't considered a redemption. times_used is not incremented in these cases.

usage_limitinteger or null

Maximum number of times this discount can be redeemed. This is an overall limit for this discount, rather than a per-customer limit. null if this discount can be redeemed an unlimited amount of times.

Paddle counts a usage as a redemption on a checkout, transaction, or the initial application against a subscription. Transactions created for subscription renewals, midcycle changes, and one-time charges aren't considered a redemption.

restrict_toarray[string] or null

Product or price IDs that this discount is for. When including a product ID, all prices for that product can be discounted. null if this discount applies to all products and prices.

custom_dataobject or null

Your own structured key-value data.

import_metaobject or null

Import information for this entity. null if this entity is not imported.

expires_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this discount expires. Discount can no longer be redeemed after this date has elapsed. null if this discount can be redeemed forever.

Expired discounts can't be redeemed against transactions or checkouts, but can be applied when updating subscriptions.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was created. Set automatically by Paddle.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.


Unique Paddle ID for this notification, prefixed with ntf_.