Paddle Billing

Test webhooks

Simulate individual events or scenarios using webhook simulator.

Whether you want to quickly send a single event with test data to your app or want to simulate key flows like a new subscription, you can with the webhook simulator.

How it works

When an event happens in Paddle, like a new customer opening the checkout or a successful subscription renewal, Paddle can send notifications to your app. You can use these to keep your app in sync with Paddle.

Webhook simulator lets you send single events or contextual groups of events called scenarios, without going through the manual steps to make this happen in the platform.

You can simulate events or scenarios directly in the dashboard or build workflows around them with the Paddle API.

Create a new simulation

  1. Open webhook simulator

    Go to Paddle > Developer Tools > Simulations, then click New simulation.

  2. Select or create a new simulation destination

    Notification destinations can accept platform events, simulated events, or both. Select an existing destination or create a new one for this simulation.

  3. Select a single event or scenario

    Decide if you want to simulate a single event or a predefined scenario. You can edit this later.

  4. Run and replay the simulation

    On the simulation page, run the simulation to receive the simulated webhook notifications. You can inspect the payload, request and response of your simulation here to help understand what Paddle sends, and how your app has responded.

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