Subscription resumed scenario

Simulates all events that occur when a subscription is resumed.

  1. Subscription resumes

    subscription.updatedThe subscription and its items are updated with new billing dates. If there was a scheduled change to resume, this is set to null.
    subscription.resumedOccurs because the subscription resumed.
    transaction.createdPaddle creates a transaction for recurring items on the subscription. Its status is billed, meaning no changes can be made to the transaction. Its origin is subscription_updated.
    transaction.billedOccurs because the transaction status changes to billed.
  2. Payment collected successfully

    transaction.updatedThe transaction status changes to paid now that the customer has paid successfully. The transaction is updated with information about the successful payment.
    transaction.paidOccurs because the transaction status changes to paid.
    transaction.updatedAn invoice number is assigned to the transaction. Its status changes to completed as Paddle has finished processing it.
    transaction.completedOccurs because the transaction status changes to completed.

    If collection is unsuccessful, a subscription becomes past due and dunning starts.

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