Subscription created scenario

Simulates all events that occur when a subscription is created from a checkout.

Configure which webhooks send when simulating a created subscription
  1. Customer opens checkout


    Paddle creates a transaction for the items on the checkout. Its status is initially draft. Its origin is web.

  2. Customer adds their details and address


    Paddle creates a new customer with the information provided by the customer. The customer's status is active.


    When a customer enters their country and ZIP/postal code, Paddle always creates a new address related to this customer.


    Paddle updates the transaction with the customer and address. The transaction status is ready because the transaction has customer and address information.


    Occurs because the transaction status changes to ready.

  3. Customer completes checkout successfully


    The transaction status changes to paid now that the customer has paid successfully. The transaction is updated with information about the successful payment.


    Occurs because the transaction status changes to paid.


    Paddle creates a subscription for the customer, address, and business against the transaction. Its status is active as the prices in the transaction items have no trial_period. Includes a transaction_id field so you can match with the completed transaction.


    Occurs because the subscription has no trial period and is now active.


    The transaction is updated with the ID of the new subscription, the billing period, and information about fees, payouts, and earnings.


    An invoice number is assigned to the transaction. Its status changes to completed as Paddle has finished processing it.


    Occurs because the transaction status changes to completed.

  4. Payment method is saved


    Paddle saves the payment method that the customer successfully used. It's used for renewals and future charges for this subscription.

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