Subscription created scenario

Simulates all events that occur when a subscription is created from a checkout.

  1. Customer opens checkout

    transaction.createdPaddle creates a transaction for the items on the checkout. Its status is draft while it's missing customer and address information. Its origin is web.
  2. Customer enters their information

    customer.createdWhen a customer enters their email address, Paddle creates a customer if one can't be found that matches the email address.
    address.createdWhen a customer enters their country and ZIP/postal code, Paddle creates an address related to this customer.
    transaction.updatedPaddle updates the transaction with the new customer and address that was just created. The transaction status is ready because the transaction has customer and address information.
    transaction.readyOccurs because the transaction status changes to ready.
  3. Customer enters business information (optional)

    business.createdIf a customer chooses to enter a tax/VAT number, Paddle creates a business.
    address.updatedWhen collecting business information, checkout collects a complete address. Paddle updates the address entity with the new information.
    transaction.updatedPaddle updates the transaction with the new business that was just created. Totals on the transaction may be updated to reflect changes in tax.
  4. Customer adds a discount or makes other changes (optional)

    transaction.updatedWhen a customer adds a discount or makes changes to items or quantities, Paddle updates the transaction.
  5. Customer completes checkout successfully

    transaction.updatedThe transaction status changes to paid now that the customer has paid successfully. The transaction is updated with information about the successful payment.
    transaction.paidOccurs because the transaction status changes to paid.
    subscription.createdPaddle creates a subscription for the customer, address, and business against the transaction. Its status is active or trialing, depending on the items on the subscription. Includes a transaction_id field so you can match with the completed transaction.
    subscription.trialingIf items on a subscription have a trial period, this event occurs because the subscription status is trialing.
    subscription.activatedIf items on a subscription have no trial period, this event occurs because the subscription status is active.
    transaction.updatedThe transaction is updated with the ID of the new subscription and information about fees, payouts, and earnings.
    transaction.updatedAn invoice number is assigned to the transaction. Its status changes to completed as Paddle has finished processing it.
    transaction.completedOccurs because the transaction status changes to completed.
  6. Saved payment method created

    payment_method.savedPaddle creates a saved payment method entity for the payment method that the customer used. It's used for renewals and future charges for this subscription.

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