Occurs when a payment method is saved.
Unique Paddle ID for this event, prefixed with evt_
Type of event sent by Paddle, in the format entity.event_type
RFC 3339 datetime string of when this event occurred.
New or changed entity.
Unique Paddle ID for this payment method entity, prefixed with paymtd_
Paddle ID of the customer that this payment method is saved for, prefixed with ctm_
Paddle ID of the address for this payment method, prefixed with add_
Type of payment method saved.
Describes how this payment method was saved.
RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was saved. Set automatically by Paddle.
RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.
Unique Paddle ID for this notification, prefixed with ntf_
2 "event_id": "evt_01hwvkmsge7bhq1a31s35784zt",
3 "event_type": "payment_method.saved",
4 "occurred_at": "2024-05-02T02:55:25.198953Z",
5 "notification_id": "ntf_01hwvkmsknrgqw4z1598qw4ypt",
6 "data": {
7 "id": "paymtd_01hs8zx6x377xfsfrt2bqsevbw",
8 "customer_id": "ctm_01hv6y1jedq4p1n0yqn5ba3ky4",
9 "address_id": "add_01hv8gq3318ktkfengj2r75gfx",
10 "type": "card",
11 "origin": "saved_during_purchase",
12 "saved_at": "2024-05-02T02:55:25.198953Z",
13 "updated_at": "2024-05-02T02:55:25.198953Z"
14 }