
Notification simulation entities describe a reusable configuration for testing webhooks.

You can use webhook simulator to test webhooks by simulating single events or scenarios, like subscription renewals or cancellations.

A notification simulation is a reusable configuration that describes a test case that you want to use with webhook simulator.

Notification simulations hold information like:

  • A name and description of this simulation.
  • Whether you want to simulate a single event or predefined sequence of events.
  • The notification setting to send simulated events to.
  • Custom payloads you want to test.

You can create notification simulations and use them for future runs as part of automated testing workflows.



Unique Paddle ID for this simulation, prefixed with ntfsim_.


Whether this entity can be used in Paddle.


Paddle ID of the notification setting where this simulation is sent, prefixed with ntfset_.


Name of this simulation.


Single event sent for this simulation, in the format entity.event_type.

payloadobject or null

Simulation payload.


Configuration for scenario simulations. null for single events.

last_run_atstring<date-time> or null

RFC 3339 datetime string of when this simulation was last run. null until run. Set automatically by Paddle.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was created. Set automatically by Paddle.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.

List simulations
Create a simulation
Get a simulation
Update a simulation