Paddle Billing

Create an adjustment


Creates an adjustment for one or more transaction items.

You can create adjustments for manually-collected transactions that are billed or completed:

  • For billed transactions (issued invoices), credit adjustments reduce the balance to pay on the transaction.
  • For completed transactions, credit adjustments add an amount to a credit balance for a customer. Credit balances are used to pay for future transactions.
  • Refund adjustments return an amount to a customer's original payment method.

Most refunds for live accounts are created with the status of pending_approval until reviewed by Paddle, but some are automatically approved. For sandbox accounts, Paddle automatically approves refunds every ten minutes.

Adjustments can apply to some or all items on a transaction. You'll need the Paddle ID of the transaction to create a refund or credit for, along with the Paddle ID of any transaction items (details.line_items[].id).

If successful, your response includes a copy of the new adjustment entity.

Request Body


How this adjustment impacts the related transaction.


List of transaction items to adjust.


Paddle ID for the transaction item that this adjustment item relates to, prefixed with txnitm_.


Type of adjustment for this transaction item. tax adjustments are automatically created by Paddle. Include amount when creating a partial adjustment.

amountstring or null

Amount adjusted for this transaction item. Required when adjustment type is partial.


Why this adjustment was created. Appears in the Paddle dashboard. Retained for record-keeping purposes.


Paddle ID of the transaction that this adjustment is for, prefixed with txn_. Transactions must be manually-collected, and have a status of billed or completed.

You can't create an adjustment for a transaction that has a refund that's pending approval.



Represents an adjustment entity.


Unique Paddle ID for this adjustment entity, prefixed with adj_.


How this adjustment impacts the related transaction.


Paddle ID of the transaction that this adjustment is for, prefixed with txn_.

subscription_idstring or null

Paddle ID for the subscription related to this adjustment, prefixed with sub_. Set automatically by Paddle based on the subscription_id of the related transaction.


Paddle ID for the customer related to this adjustment, prefixed with ctm_. Set automatically by Paddle based on the customer_id of the related transaction.


Why this adjustment was created. Appears in the Paddle dashboard. Retained for record-keeping purposes.

credit_applied_to_balanceboolean or null

Whether this adjustment was applied to the related customer's credit balance. Only returned for credit adjustments.

false where the related transaction is billed. The adjustment reduces the amount due on the transaction.

true where the related transaction is completed. The amount is added the customer's credit balance and used to pay future transactions.


Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code for this adjustment. Set automatically by Paddle based on the currency_code of the related transaction.


Status of this adjustment. Set automatically by Paddle.

Most refunds for live accounts are created with the status of pending_approval until reviewed by Paddle, but some are automatically approved. For sandbox accounts, Paddle automatically approves refunds every ten minutes.

Credit adjustments don't require approval from Paddle, so they're created as approved.


List of items on this adjustment.


Breakdown of the total for an adjustment.

payout_totalsobject or null

Breakdown of how this adjustment affects your payout balance.


List of tax rates applied for this adjustment.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was created. Set automatically by Paddle.


RFC 3339 datetime string of when this entity was updated. Set automatically by Paddle.


Information about this response.


Unique ID for the request relating to this response. Provide this when contacting Paddle support about a specific request.