Method not allowed

The endpoint does not support the HTTP method you used.

Error MessageHTTP method used isn't allowed for this endpoint.
Error Codemethod_not_allowed
Status Code405

Common causes

  • You used an HTTP method that's not supported by the endpoint you're trying to work with.

  • You're trying to delete an entity that doesn't support it. You can't delete most entities in Paddle. They may be linked to other entities, or we're required to keep them for recordkeeping purposes.


  • Check the API reference guides to see which methods are supported by each endpoint, and to check how to change the status of a particular entity.

  • If you're trying to delete an entity, we recommend changing its status to archived, canceled, or something similar depending on the endpoint you're working with.

  • Check the Allow header included with the response from the Paddle API. This lets you know which methods the endpoint supports.