Paddle Billing

Paddle Billing is not enabled

Your authentication is valid, but Paddle Billing is not activated for this account.

Error MessagePaddle Billing is not activated for this account.
Error Codepaddle_billing_not_enabled
Status Code403

Common causes

  • You initially signed up for Paddle Classic, but you're making a call to a Paddle Billing API endpoint and Paddle Billing is not activated for your account.

  • You may have activated Paddle Billing for an account in another environment. For example, you activated Paddle Billing on your sandbox account but not your live account.


  • Go to Paddle > Business Account > Account Settings > Get Paddle Billing to activate. You'll need to be an admin user.

  • Check that Paddle Billing is activated for your sandbox and live account.

  • Contact the Paddle Seller Support team if you're having trouble activating Paddle Billing.