Only customer, address, and business information may be changed for a transaction created to update a payment method.

Only customer, address, and business information may be changed for a transaction created to update a payment method.

Error MessageYou can't make changes to a transaction where the `origin` is `subscription_payment_method_change`, except to update customer, address, or business information.
Error Codetransaction_payment_method_change_field_immutable
Status Code400

Common causes

  • You're trying to update a transaction where the origin is subscription_payment_method_change. Only customer_id, address_id, or business_id can be changed.


  • Payment method change transactions are zero-value transactions created by Paddle for updating a payment method against a subscription. Update the related subscription or bill for one-time charges to bill items to a subscription.

  • To update the address for a payment method, remove fields other than customer_id, address_id, or business_id from your request.