Cannot continue the existing billing period

You can't choose to continue the existing billing period, as the billing period ended already.

Error MessageSubscription existing billing period has ended, so it cannot be continued.
Error Codesubscription_continuing_existing_billing_period_not_allowed
Status Code400

Common causes

  • You're trying to pause a subscription using the continue_existing_billing_period option, but passing a resume date that's after the existing billing period end date.

  • You're trying to resume a subscription immediately using the continue_existing_billing_period option, but the existing billing period has ended.

  • You're trying to resume a subscription on a chosen date using the continue_existing_billing_period option, but the chosen date is after the existing billing period end.


  • To use continue_existing_billing_period, check the current_billing_period against the subscription to determine when the billing period starts and ends.

  • Pause or resume a subscription using the start_new_billing_period option instead. On resume, Paddle starts a new billing period and charges immediately.