Subscription update is less than charge limit

A subscription update must result in a transaction balance which is above the lower limit of 70 cent USD

Error MessageUnable to charge for Subscription update: %s
Error Codesubscription_update_transaction_balance_less_than_charge_limit
Status Code400

Common causes

  • Sum of the updates to the Subscription is less than 70 cent USD

  • A discount has lowered the total to less than 70 cent USD but greater than 0

  • Available credits have lowered the balance to less than 70 cent USD but greater than 0


  • For a subscription update transaction to be ready it must have a chargeable amount greater than 70 cent USD

  • If the request had a proration_billing_mode of *_immediately you can retry with *_next_billing_period to defer the charge to the renewal instead

  • If the request had a proration_billing_mode of prorated_* you can retry with full_* to charge the full amount instead