See subscriptions that are scheduled to pause, cancel, or resume

Filter to see subscriptions with a scheduled change to pause, cancel, or resume.

What's new?

We added new query parameter that you can use when working with the list subscriptions operation to return entities with a scheduled change.

How it works

When you send a request to pause or cancel a subscription, you can choose to:

  • Pause or cancel immediately

    Paddle cancels the subscription right away. Its status changes to paused or canceled.

  • Pause or cancel at the end of the billing period

    Paddle creates a scheduled change to say the subscription should be canceled or paused on the next billing date. The subscription remains active until the next billing date, when the subscription status changes to paused or canceled.

While you can filter to see paused or canceled subscriptions using the status query parameter, it wasn't possible to filter to see subscriptions that were scheduled to pause or cancel.

With the new scheduled_change_action query parameter, you can filter to see subscriptions with a scheduled change against them. This means you can get a list of subscriptions that are scheduled to pause or cancel, as well as getting paused subscriptions that are scheduled to resume.

You can combine the scheduled_change_action query parameter with the status query parameter to find all subscriptions that are either canceled or scheduled to cancel, or paused or scheduled to pause.

Next steps

This change is available in version 1 of the Paddle API.

It's a non-breaking change, meaning it doesn't impact existing integrations.

You can list subscriptions using the API to start using the new scheduled_change_action query parameter.

Learn more