Paddle Billing

Upgrade or downgrade a subscription billing frequency without billing

Specify Paddle shouldn't prorate or bill for changes when changing a subscription billing frequency, like when customers upgrade to an annual plan from a monthly plan.

What's new?

We updated the Paddle platform so that now you can use do_not_bill as the proration billing mode when changing billing frequency for a subscription.


How Paddle should handle proration calculation for changes made to a subscription or its items. Required when making changes that impact billing.

For automatically-collected subscriptions, responses may take longer than usual if a proration billing mode that collects for payment immediately is used.

There are no changes to endpoints or fields in the API as a result of this change — it's an update to the allowed values you can use when changing billing frequency for a subscription.

How it works

One way that customers might upgrade or downgrade their subscription is by changing their billing frequency. For example, a customer who pays monthly might say that they'd like to "upgrade to the annual plan." To make this change in Paddle, you replace prices that bill monthly with prices that bill annually.

When replacing items on a subscription with different billing intervals, you must include the proration_billing_mode field to tell Paddle how to bill for the replaced items. Previously, the only accepted allowed values in requests like this were prorated_immediately and full_immediately.

We updated the Paddle platform so that now do_not_bill is now an accepted allowed value for proration_billing_mode. When you use do_not_bill, Paddle doesn't calculate proration or bill for the changes made to the subscription. This means you can upgrade or downgrade a subscription billing frequency without charging customers.

do_not_bill was already a valid allowed value for proration_billing_mode in request bodies when making other changes to subscriptions, so there's no change to the API as a result of this change.

Next steps

This change is available now. You don't need to do anything to get this change.

There are no changes to endpoints or fields in the API as a result of this change — it's an update to the allowed values you can use when changing billing frequency for a subscription.

You can upgrade or downgrade the billing frequency for a subscription using the API.

Learn more