Create full adjustments without specifying transaction items

Refund or credit the grand total for a transaction by passing a new field when creating an adjustment. There's no need to extract items from the transaction list.

What's new?

We've added a new type field that you can use when creating an adjustment to specify that the grand total for a transaction should be refunded or credited.


Type of adjustment. Use full to adjust the grand total for the related transaction. Include an items array when creating a partial adjustment. If omitted, defaults to partial.

How it works

You can use adjustments to refund or credit all or part of a transaction and its items.

Previously, to refund or credit all of a transaction then you'd need to get and extract information about all the items on a transaction, then build an array of adjustment items.

We've updated the Paddle API so now you can pass a new type field when creating an adjustment. When type is full, you don't need to specify an array of items. Paddle creates an adjustment for the grand total for a transaction.

If omitted, type default to partial, which mirrors the existing behavior.




This example creates a refund for all items on an automatically-collected transaction.


If successful, the response includes the new adjustment entity. It includes an items array with all line items for all items on a transaction.

Summary of changes


This is a summary of the changes to fields in the Paddle API:

adjustment.typeNew fieldDetermines whether an adjustment is for the grand total of a transaction or some items against it.

Next steps

This change is available in version 1 of the Paddle API.

It's a non-breaking change, meaning it doesn't impact existing integrations.

Check out our refund or credit a transaction guide to get started.

Learn more