Generate transaction and adjustment line item reports

Export information about transaction line items and adjustment line items as a spreadsheet to better understand your data and reconcile account activity.

What's new?

We added two new reports to the Paddle platform:

  • Transaction line items

    Get information about revenue received, past due invoices, draft and issued invoices, and canceled transactions — broken down by line item.

  • Adjustment line items

    Get information about refunds, credits, and chargebacks for transactions — broken down by line item.

Illustration showing the report picker card from the Paddle dashboard. There are two items: transaction items and adjustment items'. For each item, there is a button that says build report.

How it works

Reports in Paddle let you export information from your account that you can open in a spreadsheet app.

You could previously generate reports for transactions and adjustments. We added two new reports to complement these, letting you get data about line items on transactions and adjustments.

The new line items reports include information about the product, price, and tax information for each item related to a transaction or an adjustment. You can use them to more accurately report on things like revenue per product or perform revenue recognition.

Summary of changes to fields

This is a summary of the changes to fields in the Paddle API and webhooks:

report.typeNew allowed valuestransaction_line_items and adjustment_line_items added

Next steps

This change is available in version 1 of the Paddle API.

It's a non-breaking change, meaning it doesn't impact existing integrations.

Check out our generate reports guide and the report entity overview in the API reference to get started.

Learn more