Filter to see recurring and one-time prices

Filter to see recurring or one-time prices when using the list prices operation.

What's new?

We added a new recurring query parameter that you can use when working with the list prices operation to return either recurring prices or one-time prices.

How it works

The new recurring query parameter lets you filter prices to see only recurring prices or only one-time prices.

  • Recurring prices are those where the billing_period is an object with details about how often the price should be billed.
  • One-time prices are those where the billing_period is null.

You can use this when working with subscription items to determine which operation to use:

Next steps

This change is available in version 1 of the Paddle API.

It's a non-breaking change, meaning it doesn't impact existing integrations.

You can list prices using the API to start using the new recurring parameter.

Learn more