Events and notifications older than 90 days are no longer available

The Paddle API no longer returns notifications or events older than 90 days.

What's new?

We've updated the Paddle platform so that events and notifications older than 90 days are no longer returned using the Paddle API.

How it works

When something notable happens in your Paddle account, Paddle creates an event entity that describes the change. If you want, you can subscribe notifications by email or webhooks when an event occurs. Paddle creates a notification entity to describe the attempt to deliver a webhook or email for each event.

You can query the /events and /notifications endpoints to work with events and notifications. Right now, events and notifications are retained indefinitely.

With this change, we updated the Paddle platform so that notifications and events older than 90 days are no longer available. The Paddle API only returns event or notification entities with a created_at date within the last 90 days.

If you try to work with an older event or notification, Paddle returns a not_found error.

Summary of impacted operations

This is a summary of impacted operations in the Paddle API:

List eventsOnly events where the created_at ≤ 90 days ago are returned.
List notificationsOnly notifications where the created_at ≤ 90 days ago are returned.
Get a notificationYou can only get notifications where the created_at ≤ 90 days ago; 404 otherwise.
Replay a notificationYou can only replay notifications where the created_at ≤ 90 days ago; 404 otherwise.
List logs for a notificationYou can only list logs for notifications where the created_at ≤ 90 days ago; 404 otherwise.

Next steps

This change is live now.

There are no changes to endpoints or fields in the API as a result of this change — it's an update to the Paddle platform and the data that's returned.

You shouldn't need to make any changes to your integration for this change. Notifications are still sent as normal.

Learn more