Store your own custom data against discounts

Add your own key-value data to discounts in Paddle when working with the API.

What's new?

We updated discount entities so that now you can add custom_data when creating or updating them.


Your own structured key-value data.

How it works

Custom data lets you add your own key-value data to entities created using Paddle Checkout or the API. Once added, you can see custom data in API responses and webhooks for an entity.

Previously, you could add custom data to transaction, subscription, product, and price entities. We recently added the option to add custom data to customer, address, and business entities. With this update, you can add custom data to discount entities, which means all core entities in the Paddle API support custom data.

This is especially useful if you're using the API or webhooks to sync with a CRM or ERP solution. You can store identifiers or other data from your third-party solution against related entities in Paddle.

Next steps

This change is available in version 1 of the Paddle API.

It's a non-breaking change, meaning it doesn't impact existing integrations.

Create or update discounts using the API to get started.

Learn more