See adjusted totals for transactions more easily

See how transaction totals and payout totals look after adjustments without doing any of your own calculations.

What's new?

We added two new objects to transaction.details to make it easier to work with adjustments.


Calculated totals for a transaction, including proration, discounts, tax, and currency conversion. Considered the source of truth for totals on a transaction.

adjusted_totalsobject or null

Breakdown of the totals for a transaction after adjustments.

adjusted_payout_totalsobject or null

Breakdown of the payout total for a transaction after adjustments. null until the transaction is completed.

These objects complement the existing transaction.details.totals and transaction.details.payout_totals objects. They show how the transaction totals and payout totals are impacted by any adjustments.

How it works

Paddle returns details.totals and details.payout_totals for transactions. However, these objects aren't impacted by adjustments.

This made it difficult to see how much a transaction is for and what you earned. You'd need to use the include parameter to return adjustments, then sum transaction.adjustments[], then deduct this from the transaction totals.

The new objects return adjusted totals without the need to include adjustments or do any of your own calculations.


Next steps

This change is available in version 1 of the Paddle API.

It's a non-breaking change, meaning it doesn't impact existing integrations.

You can list transactions or get a transaction using the API to see the new objects.

Learn more