Simulate webhooks for single events or scenarios

Make testing and integration easier by using webhook simulator to simulate webhooks for single events or predefined scenarios, like a new subscription or successful renewal.

What's new?

We've released webhook simulator to make testing and integration with Paddle easier. It's available in the dashboard under Paddle > Developer tools > Simulator and in the Paddle API.

Screenshot of the new simulation drawer for webhook simulator. It shows a list of scenarios including subscription created, subscription renewed, and subscription paused.

How it works

Webhook simulator lets you send test data to your app easily, and includes predefined groups of common scenarios for things like subscription created or subscription renewed.

Notification destinations can now be configured to accept simulated or platform traffic, or both.

Simulated notifications behave similarly to platform notifications, with some small differences to help you handle the two types of traffic correctly.


  1. Create a simulation

    Create a simulation to tell Paddle which event or predefined sequence of events that you want to simulate and where you want to send simulated data.


    This example creates a simulation to simulate all events that occur when a subscription is created.


  2. Run a simulation

    Create a run for a simulation to send the event or events that are part of it. Once configured, you can run a simulation as part of testing workflows.


  3. List events for a simulation run

    Paddle creates a simulation event for the event or events that are part of a simulation run. You can list events for a simulation run to see which events were simulated and information about responses from the destination server.


Summary of changes


This is a summary of the changes to fields in the Paddle API:

simulationNew entityReusable configuration that describes a test case used by webhook simulator.
simulation_runNew entityAttempt by Paddle to send simulated events for a simulation.
simulation_run_eventNew entitySimulated event that happened as part of a notification simulation run.
notification_setting.traffic_sourceNew fieldWhether Paddle should deliver real platform events, simulation events, or both to this notification destination.

API operations

This is a summary of new operations:

GETList simulation types
GETList simulations
POSTCreate a simulation
GETGet a simulation
PATCHUpdate a simulation
GETList runs for a simulation
POSTCreate a run for a simulation
GETGet a run for a simulation
GETList events for a simulation run
GETGet an event for a simulation run
GETReplay an event for a simulation run

Next steps

This change is available now in the Paddle dashboard and in the API. It's available in version 1 of the Paddle API.

It's a non-breaking change, meaning it doesn't impact existing integrations.

You can create simulations in the dashboard or using the API to get started with webhook simulator.

Learn more