Updated currency localization for some regions

Paddle Checkout now shows preferred local currencies in some regions, instead of US Dollars. Existing subscriptions are not impacted.

What's new?

We updated the way we localize prices by changing the default preferred currency for some regions from USD to currencies that customers in those regions tend to expect.

CountryCodePrevious currencyNew currency
Bouvet IslandBVUSDNOK
Cook IslandsCKUSDNZD
Faroe IslandsFOUSDDKK
Heard Island and McDonald IslandsHMUSDAUD
Palestinian territoriesPSUSDILS
Pitcairn IslandsPNUSDNZD
Svalbard and Jan MayenSJUSDNOK
South Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsGSUSDGBP
Saint Pierre and MiquelonPMUSDEUR
Saint MartinMFUSDEUR

There are no changes to endpoints or fields in the API as a result of this change — it's an update to the way the Paddle platform handles currency conversion.

How it works

Depending on how you've configured localization, Paddle can automatically convert prices into local currencies at checkout. When opening a checkout, Paddle uses geolocation to estimate where a customer is buying from. If a customer changes the preselected country, Paddle gets localized prices for the country they selected.

For some regions, we presented prices in US Dollars where other currencies may be expected by customers. We changed the default preferred currency for those regions.

This change impacts future purchases and subscriptions. Currencies are not updated for existing or historic transactions, and existing subscriptions are not impacted. Future renewals for customers with subscriptions in a listed region are in the subscription currency as normal.

Country-specific prices for a region are not impacted.

Next steps

This change is available now. You don't need to do anything to get this change.

There are no changes to endpoints or fields in the API as a result of this change — it's an update to the way the Paddle platform handles currency conversion.

You can see which currencies apply for regions and configure automatic currency conversion by going to Paddle > Business account > Currencies.

Learn more